In marketing, you often find the presentation of products as a bundle of benefits that the consumer obtains. What does this concept exactly mean and how can features be converted …
Key Pricing StrategiesPricing Basics
Role of Reference Prices in Pricing Decisions – Reference-based Pricing
by MaxReference pricing is a pricing strategy that uses a pre-defined reference point to set the price for a product. In the following, we will explore the role of reference prices …
Market SegmentationMarketing Basics
Value-based Market Segmentation – Dividing the Market into Value Categories
by MaxMarket segmentation is one of the most important tasks in marketing. Particular attention should be paid to value-based market segmentation. Identifying subgroups in a market guides marketing and sales decision-making …
Marketing Basics
Estimating Differentiation Value – Measuring Monetary and Psychological Value
by MaxValue-based pricing requires the estimation of the economic value of a good. For this, estimating differentiation value becomes important: to what extent does a product or service provide additional value …
Key Pricing StrategiesPricing Basics
Economic Value Estimation – How to estimate Economic Value?
by MaxValue-based pricing is, as the name suggests, based on the value a good provides to a customer. The value at the heart of pricing strategy is economic value (or exchange value), not …
The term value commonly refers to the overall satisfaction that a customer derives from using a product or service. Economists call this use value—the utility gained from the use of …
Marketing BasicsProduct Marketing
Definitions of Product Quality – Different Approaches to Quality
by MaxThere are different definitions of product quality. What is actually meant by quality? How do you measure it? As you may realize in the following, quality has many facets and …
Over time, industrialization (of services) has come to mean standardization, routinization and ultimately the McDonaldization of services. What is meant by this term and what might be the downsides of …
Key Pricing StrategiesPricing OptimizationService Pricing
Alternative Service Pricing Strategies – Pricing Services effectively
by MaxDue to the many special considerations surrounding the pricing of services, traditional pricing strategies such as penetration pricing, competitive pricing, and premium pricing may not be suitable. In other words, …
Marketing BasicsService Marketing
Marketing Mix for Services – 7 Ps of Integrated Service Marketing
by MaxMarketing activity is normally structured around the 4 Ps – product, price, promotion and place. That is, when discussing strategies to market manufactured goods, marketers usually address these four basic …