Branding consists of a set of complex branding decisions. Major brand strategy decisions involve brand positioning, brand name selection, brand sponsorship and brand development.
Marketing BasicsService Marketing
Definition of Services and Characteristics of Services: What is a Service – And what makes it so special?
by MaxWhat is a service? While this is a simple question, it is more complex than you might think. Is it the coffee you get served in your favorite coffee bar? …
Marketing BasicsProduct Marketing
Product Mix decisions – Width, length, depth and consistency
by MaxNext to product line decisions, product mix decisions are a key requirement to set up a firm’s range of products and services for success. Product mix decisions arise as soon …
Beyond decisions about individual products and services, the product strategy also requires product line decisions. That is, it calls for building a product line. But what is a product line, …
Product Marketing
Individual Product Decisions – Decisions in the development and marketing of individual products
by MaxIn the development and marketing of individual products (and services), individual product decisions need to be made. These decisions apply to any kind of product and service and set the …
Marketing BasicsProduct Marketing
Three Levels of Product – Core Value, Actual Product and Augmented Product
by MaxIf you think of a product, you most likely think of a product in its simplest form – you only think of one of the three levels of product. Let’s …
Market SegmentationMarketing Basics
Positioning – Occupy the right Position in Consumers’ Minds
by MaxDifferentiation and Positioning are the last steps of the marketing strategy. We will now look at the process of positioning in more detail.
Market SegmentationMarketing Basics
Differentiation – Set apart the Company, Brand and Product
by MaxDifferentiation and Positioning are the last steps of the marketing strategy. We will now look at the process of differentiating in more detail. In order to achieve a strong position …
Differentiation and Positioning are the last steps of the marketing strategy. We know which customers we want to serve, having segmented the market and targeted the most promising segment(s). But …
Market SegmentationMarketing Basics
Market Targeting – Target Segments efficiently and effectively
by MaxWe have learnt in the section Market Segmentation that a company cannot serve all consumers in the total market. Their variety and that of their needs is simply too large. …